Github link:

Since the rule is no communication I dont want to overshare here, but the game thus far is made using typescript and Svelte. 

Note! If you want to try the game in the browser, you first need to download and run the backend executable using the downloads below! Otherwise the game will not function.

At its core is a super simple backend and polling clients that allows for a ton of players in each team, (in theory). 

There are pretty much no graphics or visualization, so there is plenty of room for people with interest in that area. 

I've tried to make the code as moddable and structured as possible, given the time constraint, so even if you have no experience with svelte or TS I am hoping you should be able to pick something up out of it. Good luck, should you dare to continue this project 


Download 32 MB
backend-win.exe 37 MB
backend-macos 51 MB

Install instructions


- node/npm 

- pnpm (optional)

Running / Development

- Install npm packages (using `pnpm install` or `npm install`)

- Start the backend either using `node backend.js` or using the executables provided in the `backend` directory. 

- you can change port of the backend by passing in a port number as the first argument to the executable – Note that  if the backend is running on a port other than 8080, you must update the url in the .env file

- Start the webapp using `pnpm dev`



- run the command `pnpm build` or `npm run build` depending on which package manager you are using

- For publishing on you need to edit the vite.config.ts to use relative paths. If you have not made any other changes, you can replace the entire contents of the file with this:

import { defineConfig } from 'vite' import { svelte } from '@sveltejs/vite-plugin-svelte'  export default defineConfig({   base: "./",   plugins: [svelte()], })


- If you need to make change the backend.js file and want to create new executables, you can do so by running the following command in the backend directory

npx pkg backend.js -t node18-win,node18-macos

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