Okay- I'll be honest. I joined the jam late and I did not read the jam page well enough.. I initially thought the theme was that every game must include a scoreboard, and when I finally noticed that there was a separate set theme, it was too late to change my idea.

My best shoehorn explanation is that the translations in this game make as much sense as a cat with a gun.. eh idk.

* * * 

This game takes famous movie quotes and runs them back and forth through google translate, and then prompts you with the result. 

Your job is to guess what the original movie quote was. 

A new set of 5 quotes are released every day (or until google hits me with a high translation bill) and every set comes with its own leaderboard. 

The entire content generation process is automated, and while sometimes you get a weaker prompt, I found that there are quite a few entertaining ones. I hope you enjoy the game despite my mess up with the theme...

All of the code and assets have been created during the jam except for the ambient roomtone. Roomtone by emilijoan

Developed using Vite, Svelte & PureCSS

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